Mixed media of collage, acrylic and resin on canvas by Mira Naceri- Titled: Berlin, 2015

Original artwork by Mira Naceri – Titled: Berlin, 2015

Mixed media of acrylic resin and collage on canvas signed on lower right and signed, titled and dated on the reverse.

Dimensions: 100 x 100 cm – 39.4 x 39.4 in

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Mira NACERI (1956)

Mira NACERI is an artist born in 1956. She lives and works in Paris.

Visual artist, Mira Naceri diverts everything she finds on her path, notably clichés with virile connotations, to create new forms through paintings where harmony and perfection coexist.

She maintains a direct relationship with the material she collects: photos, images cut out from newspapers, magazines, books, elements that she reworks, glues and assembles on surfaces as varied as canvas, wood , plexiglass, etc.

Mira Naceri’s work is very inspired by cultural diversity, by the strikingly beautiful ethnic groups that infiltrate her paintings to allow a unity to emerge, that of humanity: our humanity.

Inspired by Native American culture, Mira Naceri offers, as part of Équation nomades, a collage painting around cultural mixing in South America. That work shows a diversity of faces that mix to resonate with human unity.

#Biography – Ysebaert Louisseize Arts archive


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